Your Pathway to Impactful Teaching

Forge a rewarding teaching career with hands-on experience in Columbus City Schools.

资本 City Teacher Residency Program

首都城市教师实习(CCTR)项目是一个与哥伦布州立社区学院合作的2+2学位项目, Columbus City Schools district, 和威尼斯人平台. CCTR计划为个人提供了通过威尼斯人平台参加在线课程以获得教育执照的机会, and potential bachelor’s degree, while getting paid to work during the day in the Columbus City Schools system. 成功完成两年制课程的毕业生可能有资格获得哥伦布市学区的全职教师职位,从而减轻毕业后找工作的压力. CCTR项目效仿了医疗实习模式,学生们从威尼斯人平台教授那里学习课程,同时从哥伦布市学校的课堂导师那里获得实践经验. 

2 Years to Completion, Option for Dual Degree or Dual Licensure, and 100% Remote Learning

资本 City Teacher Residents have three pathways:

Post-Secondary Degree students who possess an associate’s or bachelor’s degree: 威尼斯人平台学习两年的在线课程,同时在哥伦布市学区从事带薪工作.

Students with some or no university credits: 在哥伦布州立社区学院学习必要的课程,然后转到威尼斯人平台进行两年的实习. 这个选项允许学生在学习期间在哥伦布市学校的带薪职位上工作.

Columbus City Schools employees and students: CCS的员工可以选择在哥伦布州立大学或其他高等教育机构参加两年的威尼斯人平台实习课程. 目前从哥伦布市学校毕业的高年级学生可以申请哥伦布承诺,在开始在首都的两年实习之前,在哥伦布州立大学免费学习两年的课程.


Join Us for a Virtual Information Session

Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 3 pm



资本 City teacher residents don’t just learn ideas in a book that they can one day apply in classrooms; they apply those ideas while they learn. 这种创新, “自己成长”的教育模式让学生成为哥伦布市学校未来的教师. In the 资本 City Teacher Residency program, our students learn to teach with intention, apply theory and research in classroom practice, 并成长为有能力的人, 战略教育工作者. Coursework is complemented by hands-on, field-based experiences in actual classrooms. It’s here where you will learn from master teachers, 教师监事, 全职的资本教育教授——并在由大学教师领导的学生教学研讨会上相互交流. 首都 teacher is a different kind of teacher who is prepared to lead, 激励, and make a difference in the lives of countless children.


首都教师实习计划是为当前的大学生和有兴趣从事教育事业的专业人士设计的. The flexibility through online, 异步课程加上在哥伦布市学校工作的机会,使其成为在职专业人士的一个强有力的选择. 对于在读学生, the application process and credit transfers are easy, making your transition to 威尼斯人平台 seamless.

我们的学生毕业后将成为准备充分的教师,他们获得了教育执照,并获得了相关的有意义的工作经验. 他们将准备好在自己的课堂上发挥领导作用,并在他们所服务的社区产生影响.

“In the 资本 City Teacher Residency program, 课堂是一个社区,课程是由你将在其中教学的环境所塑造的. 结果是, 我们的毕业生将准备好为他们的学生的生活做出贡献和影响.”

Dr. Brad Conrad, Associate Professor, School of 教育

  • Dr. Jennifer Kelly, School of 教育 Dean
  • Dr. Nisreen达乌德, Director of 资本 City Teacher Residency program and Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Hoyun Cho, Associate Professor of 教育
  • Dr. Bradley Conrad, Cotterman Distinguished Endowed Chair

资本 City Teacher Residency Office


Why the 资本 City Teacher Residency program?

首府城市教师实习计划是对教育事业感兴趣的学生和对俄亥俄州教师队伍多样化感兴趣的学生获得执照的途径. 首府城市教师实习计划的设立是为了应对目前代课教师短缺的问题,并增加俄亥俄州高质量教育工作者的数量. The CCTR is committed to providing individuals with alternate pathways to education licensure. 该项目反映了威尼斯人平台注重强大的指导和真实的学习经验,以支持未来教师的发展. 

What will my licensure specialty be?

The CCTR is designed for students seeking to get their license in Primary Childhood 教育, 青少年到青年, and/or Intervention Specialist. There is an option to earn a bachelor’s degree in education by taking additional classes.

Will I have my Ohio teaching license when I am done?

Upon completion of all coursework and passing of all Ohio Assessments for Educators, you will be eligible to apply for your Ohio Teaching License. 


The program is two years from the time you are accepted and begin classes at 资本. All coursework is offered online, 为您提供白天工作和非工作时间上课的灵活性. 学生通过威尼斯人官网讲座和学习活动来参与课程,并按照适合他们的时间表进行学习.

Who is eligible to apply for CCTR?

来自哥伦布州立社区学院的学生或哥伦布市学区的现任员工,有兴趣继续他们的小学, PK-5, 阿雅, teaching license and encouraged to apply. 该计划是为已经见过或即将见过威尼斯人平台签名学习(i.e.(通识教育)课程. A listing and description of current Signature Learning courses can be found in 我们大学的校报.

如果您对转换学分有疑问,可能符合威尼斯人平台签名学习学分的资格, 请联系博士. Nisreen达乌德, CCTR director, at

What is the cost of tuition for the 资本 City Teacher Residency program?

Students in the CCTR program will pay 资本’s Adult and 继续教育 credit hour rate. Other forms of aid and tuition assistance may be available. Talk with the CCTR Program Director to learn about tuition assistance options. All financial aid questions can be directed to 资本’s Financial 援助 Office by emailing

Can I be a paid employee of Columbus City Schools during the program?

The 资本 City Teacher Residency Program is designed with the working student in mind. During your two years of study at 资本, you will be eligible for paid experiences in Columbus City Schools. 这种“实践”经验将补充你的课程作业,并帮助你将所学知识与实际课堂参与的真实性联系起来.

How does the online learning work?

课程作业被特别设计成异步的,这样你就可以按照自己的节奏和时间完成作业. 该课程旨在为您提供完整课程长度的持续支持. 我们的目标是让你准备好学习有效的教学实践,为你管理和领导自己的课堂做好准备.

How will I be supported in the CCTR program?

Although the coursework is asynchronous, you will work closely with our faculty through your coursework, 临床经验, 以及各种研讨会. 您将在您的安置学校被分配一名导师,以及威尼斯人平台的一名教师主管,他将在整个项目中为您提供帮助. 

Where will I be placed as an educator while participating in the CCTR program?

In collaboration with our education partners, 在参加CCTR项目的两年时间里,你将被安排在哥伦布市学区从事与教育相关的工作.

What Ohio Assessments for Educators will I need to take?

威尼斯人官网OAE网站 and click on “what assessments do I need to take?了解更多.

Who can I talk to about my financial aid options?

For all financial aid questions, please reach out to 资本’s Financial 援助 office by emailing or calling the 入学 Office at 614-236-6101. Additional information can be found by visiting the 资助网页.

Who do I reach out to if I have additional questions?

有关CCTR的问题, reach out to the 资本 City Residency Teacher Program coordinator, Dr. Nisreen达乌德,, to set up a time to talk via phone, Zoom, or in person.